Universal Controller/Indicator

NIVELCO presents the new 1/16 DIN (48 x 48mm) dimensional PMG-400 universal controller family featuring easy programming and dual LED display. The universal analogue PID-controller is able to process the signals of Pt 100 thermometers, different thermocouples and transmitters with outputs of 4 … 20 mA and 1 … 5 V DC or 0 … 10 V DC.

NIVELCO presents the new 1/16 DIN (48 x 48mm) dimensional PMG-400 universal controller family featuring easy programming and dual LED display. The universal analogue PID-controller is able to process the signals of Pt 100 thermometers, different thermocouples and transmitters with outputs of 4 … 20 mA and 1 … 5 V DC or 0 … 10 V DC.
The output options Nivelco offers include a power relay, continuous 4 … 20 mA retransmission or an output drive able to operate an SSR. A high power relay with SPDT contacts can perform various control tasks programmed whereas a lower rated alarm relay is setable over the entire input variable range.
The large bi-coloured display provides easy reading even from far distance. The process parameters are red, the set values appear green.
